Welcome to Blue Skies

Auto Care Services

Mobile Auto Detailing

Services on your schedule & where you need them πŸ“

Eco-friendly Wash and Precision Detailing Services

Questions? Call us or Text (512) 915-0435
Email Us: clientsupport@blueskiesautocare.com


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Eco-friendly Exterior Wash

Full Exterior Wash and Wax $75-150

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Fresh and Clean

Eco-friendly Wash/Wax and Interior Surface Detailing $150-250

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Total Reset

Exterior Power Wash/Wax and Deep Interior Detailing $250-400

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed, Any Place & No Hassle Scheduling

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Need a Quote? Call Us or Message us (πŸ“ 𝟏 𝟐 ) πŸ— 𝟏 πŸ“. 𝟎 πŸ’ πŸ‘ πŸ“

For personalized projects and custom quotes.

Our Methods Inside and Out:

Select photos below:

(1) Interiors: Surface Detailing

Vacuum, Polish, Light Spot TreatmentΒ 

(2) Interiors: Deep Detailing

Deep Stain Removal and Spot Treatment, Heavy Gunk Removal

(3) Exterior: Deep Dirt and Grime Removal

Power Wash, Bug and Gunk Removal

(4) Exterior: Eco-friendly Wash

Wash with Eco-green Auto Clean Solution, Chrome Polish, Buff with Finishing Wax

Every Drop Counts

Our Eco-friendly wash uses less than 5 gallons of water per vehicle, saving 37 gallons per wash based on industry standards.